NSK NET Rixixi Hub

Aexented Form Rules

Aexented is a skill that allows your Rixixi or B-NOMALY to shapeshift into another form, and then that form can get EXP and rewards in Chasmhome. Since that form will be getting rewards, there are a few ground rules as to what they can be. Aexented is intended to be pretty open-ended, so don't worry. We've got what it can and can't be and also some design tips.

While the Accented prompt can now be taken by both B-NOMALIES and Rixixi, it was originally a Rixixi prompt only, and so this guide may be somewhat Rixixi-centric.

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  • Animals
  • Fantasy Creatures
  • Humanoids
  • Machines, Cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence, etc
  • Surreal and abstract beings - Eldritch, Fey, Undead, Truly abstract and strange, etc
  • Much more!
If choosing something small, like an insect, please depict large enough to see clearly even if rolling alongside an average Rixixi. This may require stylizing them as if they were a larger than average bug. If choosing something massive, like a dinosaur, please depict small enough to see other Rixixi clearly if rolling alongside an average Rixixi.


  • Rixixi Hybrids - While turning your Rixixi into another Rixixi is done with the Illusionate-Glass Core items and not Accented, you can do something like a mer-Ixi, strange cryptid form, undead Ixi, and so on with an Aexented form!
  • B-NOMALY Hybrids - B-NOMALIES don't have Illusionate-glass cores, but they do have doppelganger fogholder forms, so this still applies! Turning your B-NOMALY into a hybrid of a B-NOM and (something else) is fine with an Aexented form!


  • Other Original Species - Closed Species, Open Species, ARPG Species, and so on.
  • Copyrighted Species/Creatures - for example, Pokemon, Heartless, Chao, Moogle, Chocobo - Design inspiration is allowed to an extent - especially if stylistic rather than copying features wholesale.
  • NSFW reference art (primarily nudity with genitalia and extreme gore) is not allowed.
An exception to the Original Species rule is if the creator has expressly allowed it - a list of these can be found in the Allowed Original Species tab - some restrictions may apply, those will be listed as well!

For an example of inspiration from copyrighted characters - Vandal's Aexented form is a reference to a Slasher Necromorph (Dead Space), but primarily has their scythe arms and a generally undead appearance, lacking much of the remaining body horror, and as such is classed as an undead/horror Ixi.

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You may use any original species that you own yourself without having to open them up for public use. If you want your own species to be listed here for others to use, please contact Anarchisme and we can talk about it!

The following Original Species can be used for Aexented forms! They're listed by universe below.

Chasm-Connected Universe - Anarchisme

Open Species
(No restrictions!)
  • Anything listed as an open species on the Bestiary - for example, Arakantis, Illusionates, Inniis, Kaurphyt Ravens, Mjilikae, Mymbers, Nskanetian Messengerbird, Rooter, Tunneldrake.
    Note that some companion species are listed as open species, while some are listed as just "Rixixi companion" - if it's not a real animal, it's only listed as a Rixixi companion because it's not an open species, so make sure to double check this! Winterbringer Deer is okay to use because it is a deer, Geode Mimic is not a real animal and is not listed as an open species.

Semi-Open Species
(Must have alt. form registered on the masterlist)

Closed Species - B-NOMALY and Rixixi
B-NOMALY and Rixixi have some specific notes:

  • The B-NOMALY and Rixixi must already exist on the masterlist, as they will be linked to each other.
  • You only need one image for the Accented prompt itself (you don't need to take the Story Mode twice). Link both the Ixi and B-NOMALY's masterlist images for the reference.
  • All Aexented forms will be shared between the B-NOMALY and Rixixi.
  • B-NOMALY cannot have B-NOMALY Aexented forms
  • Rixixi cannot have Rixixi Aexented forms

Requires an item, not an Aexented form:

Velukaelo - Umbrafen / tidesage & ASimpleMoon

Companion Species (No Restrictions!) This includes the Akadri, Jordskar, Heldyr, Hibridi, and Lucedarians found in the Ketucari ARPG! More information on them can be found in the Races section of the Ketucari World Lore page here! Ketucari
Ketucari have some specific notes, similar to B-NOMALY and Rixixi above:
  • The Ketucari must already exist on the masterlist, as well as the B-NOMALY or Rixixi partaking in Accented, as they will be linked to each other.
  • You only need one image for the Accented prompt itself (you don't need to take the Story Mode twice). Link both the Ketucari and Ixi/B-NOMALY's masterlist images for the reference.
  • Some Aexented forms will be shared between the Ketucari and B-NOMALY/Rixixi.
  • Ketucari can only have B-NOMALY, Rixixi, and Ketixi forms

Ketixi - Rixixi/Ketucari Crossover
A Ketixi Aexented form effectively replaces Illusionate Glass Cores for the hybrid, and so work somewhat differently.

  • Ketixi do not need to exist on the masterlist to be used for Accented. A Ketixi Aexented form will not be uploaded to the masterlist as a new Ketixi.
  • Unlike all other Aexented forms, a Ketixi Aexented form must share genes with its original form - see here for Ketixi genes and counterparts to translate your character into a Ketixi. B-NOMALIES turning into a Ketixi should simply be visually similar, but must use Ketixi genes. They will be checked by design admins.
  • Ketixi cannot Aexent into another Ketixi.
  • Ketixi images should be stored in stash or scraps, please and thank you!
  • NSK NET Rixixi Hub


    Here are some ideas on how you might like to represent your Rixixi in an alternate form!

    You could take their markings and base color and copy them completely to another species:

    You could modify markings, simplifying or changing them to match the new species better:

    You could even have a completely different design for the new form, perhaps referring back to the Rixixi design in a subtle or symbolic nature, or just considering the alternate form anonymous enough to work as a disguise. While most starters with Aexented forms still use the original Rixixi's color, you don't even have to do that.

    When they're drawn in rolls, the flat-color image/reference will be checked to make sure that markings are visible enough, not the original Rixixi form, so technically - as long as the rules are followed - the alternate form can look however you want! These design tips are just that - tips!

    NSK NET Rixixi Hub


    Currently, you can change a pre-existing Aexented form in one of two ways: for free after an ownership change, or with items: Pigment Restyling Laser for Rixixi/Cut and Color for B-NOMALY.

    Each Aexented form can optionally be changed once for free for every new owner. (These don't build up - for example, if a Rixixi with two Aexented forms changes owners once, the new owner can change each form once for free. If the new owner wants to change a form a second time, they must use a Pigment Restyling Laser. If the new owner gives away the Ixi without changing any forms, the second new owner can still only change each new form once for free.) Pigment Restyling Lasers/Cut and Color tickets can be used an unlimited amount of times to update Aexented forms.

    This primarily exists so that an old owner can avoid having their personal character (as an aexented form) stuck on a sold Rixixi/B-NOMALY, or so that a new owner can properly personalize a new character.

    To change an Aexented form for a Rixixi, go to Import Updates and Transfers at the Import Image Updates comment, and fill out the form below:

    Link to Rixixi: [link the import here!]
    Change Source: New Owner Free Aexented Form Change/Pigment Restyling Laser - [link original Aexented form that you're changing (the comment on the import)]
    New Image: [your new Aexented form reference - doesn't require a new story mode image]

    For a B-NOMALY, follow the Editing an Existing B-NOMALY instructions here, and fill out this form in the comments:

    Change Source: [New Owner Free Aexented Form Change/Cut and Color]
    New Image: [your new Aexented form reference - doesn't require a new story mode image]

    NSK NET Rixixi Hub


    The version of Accented on ketucari.com works as a way to add Rixixi, B-NOMALY, and Ketixi forms to your Ketucari and Ketixi. The original prompt is exactly the same, except that the Lawful prompt is considered an Honor prompt, and the Chaotic prompt is considered a Notoriety prompt. These work as Honor/Notoriety quests for pack redeems and similar. Despite being a Quest, Accented does provide the Aexented skill to match the Chasmhome version.

    Ketucari have specific rules for their use of Accented, and it is not as free to use as it would be for a Rixixi or B-NOMALY due to Flip Coins taking its place in Velukaelo.

    • Ketucari can only have Rixixi, B-NOMALY, or Ketixi Aexented forms. Ketixi can only have Rixixi or B-NOMALY Aexented forms.
    • When submitting your Accented quest, please include your quest piece, the masterlist image of your Ketucari/Ketixi, and the masterlist image of the Rixixi/B-NOMALY you'll be shifting into/the image of the Ketixi you'll be shifting into (in stash or scraps, please). Check Allowed Original Species for more details on how to submit for each species.

    Submit your piece at this prompt with the following form:
    Reference for Aexented form: [Link to Rixixi/B-NOMALY's masterlist or Ketixi's image]
    Link to participating Ketucari: [link to import here!]
    Prompt responding to: ["Honor", "Notoriety"]