NSK NET Rixixi Hub
This bestiary encompasses any species included in the Chasm-Connected universe, including Rixixi, B-NOMALY, Aexent, all Nskanetian species, several species created by members of the linked deviantArt groups, and more! Art credits will be present in linked sta.sh files if a member drew or designed the creature pictured.
Here's a quick "guide" to the info you'll see on each of these:
There'll be some flavor text here.
Name: [The most common 'official' name for the species, eg. "Rixixi", "Human", "Cat"]
Other Names: [Common nicknames/colloquialisms, eg. "Ixi, RXX", "Person", "Kitty"]
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: [Both might be listed, or whichever one is more relevant.]
Average Intelligence: [This is mostly here so you know if your character could easily speak with them. 'Sapient' denotes human-like intelligence; 'Intelligent animal' denotes 'actually possibly capable of speech but might not know the language/be able to make the right sounds'; 'Animal' is like. An average animal. Can likely do problem-solving just fine depending on the individual, probably can't hold a conversation. You're welcome to headcanon differently, however!]
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☐ Other (if relevant) - some species are only canon to certain groups.
Means of obtaining: [Companion, Companion (TBA), Open Species, Semi-Open Species, Closed Species, etc.]
A species of viper that originated in Anareizh's shrine. With a relaxed, curious temperament, they tend to make good companions, and naturally tend towards healing magic.
Name: Anareizh's Patron
Other Names: Patrons, Ley Viper
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Originated from Anareizh's Shrine, found commonly in Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Highly intelligent animal.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
Artificial intelligence cores made into mutagenic shapeshifting monsters. Much like many living beings, they have the ability to make more of themselves, and the desire to have a good time.
Name: Aexend (singular), Aexent (plural)
Other Names: Aex, "Viles/Lylac/Notion/Dawn/Invertia/Anarchie" (subtypes)
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis, most commonly
Average Intelligence: Sapient/Computer
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Semi-open - see
Aexent @ dA
Extended Nsk Net Bestiary Page
Venomous, colorful shapeshifter people. Being a sparkledog was a warning system about the poison in the old, primitive days thousands and thousands of years ago. Now it's just an excuse to celebrate color and light every day.
Name: Arakanth (Referring to singular entity/small group), Arakantis (Referring to species as a whole)
Other Names:
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species
A mythical canine associated with death and ill omens, the Barghest is a fierce and powerful hunter. With a fearsome bark that does not rival its bite, it would take quite the impressive individual to tame this specter.
Name: Barghest / Leyline Barghest
Other Names: Black Dog
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Earth (Barghest) / The Leyline (Leyline Barghest)
Average Intelligence: Highly intelligent animal; likely sapient.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☑ The standard Barghest is a mythical creature and not a personal species - it's not really adapted for the Chasm-Connected universe in any way.
The Leyline Barghest, however, is.
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion; Leyline Barghests Open Species/Regular Barghests aren't a personal species!
About page here!
If you give a man wings, he'll fly too close to the sun and burn. If you give a man the ability to give a rabbit wings, the rabbits will... grow a bunch of limbs and eyes and take over the labs, and he'll fly too close to the sun and burn. It's kind of a lose-lose scenario for Icarus. The lab rabbits are doing great though. That's... basically the origin story of the B-NOMALY.
Other Names: B-NOM, Bunnomaly, "B-CLASS"/"Mutant"/"A-CLASS" (depending on mutations)
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Species was created on Earth, has traveled to other worlds via space travel and the Chasm.
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Closed Species - see
The main sapient species of the Couloir. Extremophiles with photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.
Name: Couler
Other Names: --
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Couloir
Average Intelligence: Sapient.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companions
In the Couloir, the flora is fauna too. It's also enormous and deadly.
Name: Denizens of the couloir refer to all the interrelated species as "gigafauna" or "megafauna" depending on size.
Other Names: Deathtrap, Graverobber, Crow, Snowman, Warreneater, Bombardier, Warren, etc
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Couloir
Average Intelligence: Animal
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion
A spirit that commonly appears during the Fall months, these little lizards glide around using their huge, flat tails.
Name: Fallen Leaftail Gecko
Other Names: --
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Most commonly Sxriix, but shows up on several worlds.
Average Intelligence: Sapient party animal.
☐ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☑ Fantasy version of Real Animal
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion
Fogbees - short for Fogholder Bees - are bees altered by the Chasm or other high sources of Anarchic Radiation. They're fairly harmless, but have a habit of getting lost.
Name: Fogholder Bees
Other Names: Fogbees
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Typically found in or around the Chasm.
Average Intelligence: Sapient and confused about it
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
More in-depth information can be found in this infographic!
The irony of this being called flavor text is not lost on me.
Name: Fridge Parasite (parasitic organism)/Fridge Werewolf (transformed host)
Other Names: weird bug
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Originated on an unknown world, but currently most populous on Nskanetis.
Average Intelligence: Instinct-heavy animal (Parasite)/Instinct-heavy version of host's typical intelligence (Host, during and near transformation)
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Semi-open Species [Item required for use in Rixixi and B-NOMALY]
"I can make it alive for you."
Designed by IIIXKitsuneXIII!
Name: Geode Mimic
Other Names: Crystal Crab, Living Stones
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Doesn't have a specific homeworld, but has a higher population on Sxriix due to the arid, rocky terrain.
Average Intelligence: Intelligent animal, though not capable of speech.
☐ Chasm-connected? ☑ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion only
Extended Nsk Net Bestiary Page
Horsemen have no real specific appearance as their main traits include representing a main concept to an extreme along with being a massive, monstrous creature. War is pictured above.
Beings generated by the Chasm that embody a single concept to excess. Typically dangerous, if they choose to be, but their morals are rarely in line with typical mortals'. Often use 'it' pronouns or other atypical sets due to not being a typical being, but will respond to most.
Name: Chasm Horsemen
Other Names: Horseman, Horse, Herald
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Chasm
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Semi-open Species - see Making a Chasm Horsemen for details.
"A distorted voice comes out of your mouth- their mouth: "Can you face me?" You can try."
Capable of mirroring most beings' appearances. Often hostile, but vain - approach with caution and quips.
Name: Illusionate
Other Names: Spectre/Specter, Mirror selves, Doppelganger
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Chasm
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species
lookit the little alien flying squirrel things what the heck so cute
Name: Innhiiarra
Other Names: Innii
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Found almost exclusively on Nskanetis.
Average Intelligence: Animal
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion (TBA!)
Far in the past, Kaurphyts were bred as pit-fighting animals until the practice was seen as intolerably immoral. Nowadays, they're mostly seen as familiars for wizards and the like, and they've picked up magic of their own as a result.
Name: Kaurphyt Raven
Other Names: Kaurphyt, Pit Raven, Warlock's Raven
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Found almost exclusively on Nskanetis.
Average Intelligence: Highly intelligent animal. Many are capable of speech.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
This is a real animal, but as it's a companion...
Name: Kellas Cat
Other Names: Cat Sìth (Fae variant)
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Earth
Average Intelligence: Animal (If fae, assume sapient, though non-fae specimens are more common)
☐ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☑ Real Animal
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion
Species info here!
Sometimes things get weird when Rixixi meet other species.
Name: Ketixi
Other Names: KX
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Multiple Worlds
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: ARPG Closed Species - See
Rixixi @ dA and
NOTE: Part of a crossover event with
Kyaine are massive saurian creatures with an inherent anti-magic field around them and an abundance of teeth. They're incredibly aggressive, but some reports show that they are also incredibly intelligent.
Name: Kyaine
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
Mechanix Info Hub
Life hacks: literally insert a small Rixixi into it. Just do it.
Name: Mechanical Rixixiform Artificial Intelligence Unit
Other Names: Mechanix
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Primarily developed in Nskanetis.
Average Intelligence: Sapient/Computer
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Import and companions via Rixixi
Mechanix do not count for the Canon Creature bonus in Rixixi, as they are playable characters.
Extended Nsk Net Bestiary Page
Were-creatures that developed in the swamps of Aerthis. Rumors of hiveminds may or may not be founded in truth.
Name: Mjilikae
Other Names: Swamp Werewolves
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species
Peaceful denizens of the chasm.
Name: Mymber
Other Names: Mumblers, Chasm Gnomes
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Chasm
Average Intelligence: Sapient, but have their own native language. Some individuals understand other languages.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companions
(on the Spring's Messengerbird:) A spirit of spring taking on the form of a Nskanetian songbird. Excellent at mimicry.
Name: Nskanetian Messengerbird
Other Names: Courier Bird, False
Messenger, Mini Messenger, Messenger's Herald, (Spirit only:) Spring's Messenger
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The original songbird is found on Nskanetis, yet the Spring Spirit mimic is found equally on Nskanetis and Sxriix.
Average Intelligence: (Songbird:) Intelligent animal, capable of mimicking speech and could communicate somewhat through this. (Spring spirit:) Likely sapient or highly intelligent animal.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
Extended Nsk Net Bestiary Page
Rumored to be the first beings to exist on Nskanetis and highly fluent in magic. Their native language is called "Arcanex" and is spoken with multiple voices at once.
I legitimately tried to write the flavor text in an arcanex square but it was really hard to format.
Other Names: Ourtnx, Ancient, Sphynx/Daemon, Bird/Angel
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species
A friend that can chat you up on a long trek and hold your goods as well! This cute and soft critter may be made out of fabric, but they're very much alive - and lively!
Art and design by Xe-Li!
Name: Pack Cat
Other Names: --
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Fairly rare, but can be found in many worlds if you know where to look.
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☐ Chasm-connected? ☑ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion only
Various types of Sxriix'n dragons.
A fairly aggressive and territorial burrowing animal, Tunneldrakes are a constant danger underground.
Caverndrakes and Skydrakes, their fully sized draconic cousins, have the ability to breathe concentrated light and a roar like a foghorn.
Name: Racha/Rachanu/Rachanuuru
Other Names: Dragon, Skydrake/Caverndrake/Tunneldrake
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Sxriix
Average Intelligence: Animal
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
Species info here!
Irradiated, elemental aliens resembling dragon-cat hybrids. Space travelers and chasmjumpers.
Name: Rixixi
Other Names: Ixi, RXX
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Sxriix
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: ARPG Closed Species - See
Rixixi @ dA
"Pigs? Oh, we have those on Sxriix... they're just... armored saurians... we ride them and look for roots."
Name: Rruuroos/Rruurooroos/Racharruuroos
Other Names: Rooters, Root-sniffers/Mini Rooters/Grand Old Rooters
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Sxriix
Average Intelligence:Many think them to be a fairly unintelligent creature due to their slow, content nature, however, they are a rather sympathetic and intelligent animal.
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
"A hybrid between Sxriix's Rooter and Velukaelo's Hogshorne, the Roothorne takes the best of both species. That is to say, it's a bulky creature that loves to root around for tasty treasures and can likely find you something interesting in the dirt as well."
Name: Roothornes
Other Names: Pig Mutts
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Sxriix and Velukaelo
Average Intelligence: Similarly to Rooters, Roothornes are a highly intelligent animal.
☐ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☑ Crossover (Ketucari & Rixixi)
Means of obtaining: Rixixi and Ketucari Companion
NOTE: Part of a crossover event with
A carnivorous plant, heavily mutated and capable of growing massive due to its origin in the Chasm, the Sanguine Snare latches onto its prey, holding it tightly, and slowly drains blood from it over time. In rare cases - almost exclusively in the Chasm - this can cause the prey to mutate due to staying in one highly irradiated place for too long, typically causing the prey to mutate into a symbiote with the Snare.
Name: Sanguine Snare
Other Names: Snare
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The Chasm
Average Intelligence: Heavily instinct-based
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species; is an item in Rixixi
Often used in seafood dishes for its meaty back end. A bottom feeder in the wild, its long plumes act as distractions for predators and "flake" apart easily, coming apart as if petals plucked from a flower. A long-lived Vyldes Shovelnose often has a very short, chewed on plume, having escaped many attempts to be eaten.
Name: Southern Vyldes Shovelnose Prawn
Other Names: "Pugfaced Fat-Arsed Prawn" (by Vyldes locals), "Vyldes Shovelnose" (by anyone else)
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Native to the waters of Vyldes in Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Animal
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species; is an item in Rixixi
Nsk Net Bestiary Page
Mammalian dragons with an error in emergency defense.
Name: Taranan
Other Names: Dragon
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: Nskanetis
Average Intelligence: Sapient
☑ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only?
Means of obtaining: Open Species & Rixixi Companion
A winter spirit in animal form.
Name: Winterbringer Deer
Other Names: Lost Stag, Spirit Herd
Homeworld/Commonly Found On: The classic Winterbringer Deer is found on Sxriix, though similar deer spirits can be found on many other worlds.
Average Intelligence: Likely sapient or highly intelligent animal.
☐ Chasm-connected? ☐ Rixixi only? ☑ Fantasy version of Real Animal
Means of obtaining: Rixixi Companion