NSK NET Chasmhome Hub


Currently, Rixixi, Mechanix, and B-NOMALY can breed!

Some notes on terms that apply to both before we get into specifics:

A full litter grants all the resulting genos to the person who posted the litter.
A split litter refers primarily to a breeding where the genos will be divided up between multiple users once rolled, but also refers to any slots with rules that require that a certain type of geno must be sold/given/offered to the owner or another user other than the poster. This should be listed as a split (can be referred to as PotL/Conditional PotL) with the user who may receive a specific type of geno.

You can gift genos from full litters to your friends or the slot owner at your own leisure if you so choose, the above rules only apply to slot rules!

All users can post three Rixixi/Mechanix breedings per month (split or full), and take part in three additional Rixixi/Mechanix split breedings posted by another user. However, B-NOMALY breedings are only limited by items and not monthly limits.

At this time we do not support joint ownership of Chasmhome species.


Rixixi and B-NOMALY can crossbreed together - further information is at B-NOMALY/Rixixi Crossbreeding! Rixixi/B-NOM crossbreeding uses up a Rixixi monthly post!


Breeding Slots Tracker - Google Sheet

To breed Rixixi, the following requirements must be met:

  • All Rixixi involved must have finished Story Mode: Main Quest Chapter 1 to unlock the ability to breed!
  • You must either own the Ixi involved or have a breeding slot from the owner!
  • All Rixixi involved must have breeding slots available! All Ixi start with 10 slots, and gain 10 more with every level up, with additional ways to obtain further slots pre- and post- Omnipotent level!

A few little things to note:
As you may have noticed, Rixixi do not have multiple differing sexes! All Rixixi have the equipment to sire or carry a child. As a result, any two willing mates can breed.
The 'sire' is referred to as the "Giver" and the 'dam' as the "Receiver".

Rixixi have a typical litter size of 2-5 Cubs.

Subspecies and Standard Rixixi can breed amongst each other, and Subspecies can be occasionally produced from breedings that don't include them - check out the Subspecies Info to learn more about breeding for and with Subspecies!

Inbreeding does carry risks to the cubs - as Rixixi are naturally irradiated, the most common risks are RADIATION SICKNESS, which you can read about in this link.

Inbreeding occurs when a single Ixi would appear more than once on the offspring's lineage.

Infertile Rixixi may throw empty litters - if this happens, this counts against one of the user who posted the breeding's monthly slots (and in case of splits, one of the other participant's monthly splits as well), but does not use up the Rixixi's breeding slot.

The actual form! Now that you're ready to breed some Ixi and know the rules, feel free to take this form, fill it out, and drop it off in the Breeding Prompt!

[Giver] x [Receiver]
Link to slot permission for Giver: [If you own the Ixi, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Link to slot permission for Receiver: [If you own the Ixi, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Distribution: [Full to you, split litter, split with PotL to one user, etc]
Breedings posted this month: [Is this your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd post this month?]
Additional Information: [Is this your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd post this month?] Additional Information: [Notes to rollers such as 'don't roll if inbreeding accidentally present', 'please let me know which breeding/month this is, i forgot' and so on; tags to users who requested it; one or two silly blurbs like 'pls rng gods give me a dom rare' 'this one goes out to my cat, isnt she cute' - do note that admins cannot honor silly blurb requests, you're tossing your vibes at RNG itself there]


Mechanix have the same form as Rixixi, but have some key differences. Mechanix cannot breed with Rixixi, and produce Mechanix Chips when bred instead of cubs. See the Mechanix Hub for more detail!

Mechanix can produce 2-4 Chips from their combined data.

Mechanix cannot inbreed, as they only produce chips.

The actual form! If you're interested in breeding a Mechanix, drop off the following form at the Breeding Prompt:

[Giver] x [Receiver]
Link to slot permission for Giver: [If you own the Mechanix, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Link to slot permission for Receiver: [If you own the Mechanix, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Distribution: [Full to you, split litter, split with PotL to one user, etc]
Breedings posted this month: [Is this your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd post this month?]
Additional Information: [Notes to rollers such as 'please let me know which breeding/month this is, i forgot' and so on; tags to users who requested it; one or two silly blurbs like 'pls rng gods give me a dom rare' 'this one goes out to my cat, isnt she cute' - do note that admins cannot honor silly blurb requests, you're tossing your vibes at RNG itself there]


Sign up here to use the labs' machines and tools to make sure everything goes safely!

The actual form! If you're just here to drop off a breeding and get right to it, post the following form at the Breeding Prompt!

Link to slot permission for Sower: [If you own the B-NOMALY, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Link to slot permission for Reaper: [If you own the B-NOMALY, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Breeding Ticket: [Let us know if it's Feeling Lucky or Turn On The Previews, and if this is a breeding between multiple people, who's supplying the ticket.]
Egg Distribution: All to you, split breeding, etc?

There's more information below!

Quick FAQ:

Do I need multiple breeding tickets to do a split breeding with someone?
Nope! It's one ticket per breeding rather than per person. Just mark down who's using the ticket.

What is the clutch size?
The minimum amount of eggs you'll get is two, and the maximum is five!

What are B-NOM parents called/why Sower and Reaper?
B-NOMALIES don't have differing sexes, so Sire and Dam wasn't quite fitting. Sower and Reaper was actually a joke suggestion, I just liked it a lot. :V Sower replaces Sire, Reaper replaces Dam. Conversationally, B-NOMs likely use "Parents", "Folks", "Family", etc, and if their parents prefer it, "Mom" or "Dad" might be fine. "Flock"/"Fluffle" etc likely less common but totally allowed.

What are B-NOM children called?
I don't know that one
Likely has a lot of dialectual differences, any name for a leporid or bird baby is fine, as well as things like "kid" or "baby".

Can NPCs be used in breedings?
NPCs can be freely selected as a sower and/or reaper when using either type of breeding ticket, but the resulting clutch will not be considered canon for them!

On pass rates:

B-Class pass rates are influenced by their own rarity as well as the rarity of the trait they're being paired against. If a common trait is being rolled against a very rare trait, the common trait has a much higher chance of being rolled. If a rare trait is being rolled against a very rare trait, the chances aren't far from even.

Further, B-Class traits can pass any trait between their own rarities - an uncommon trait x a very rare trait could pass any uncommon, rare, or very rare traits. There is an increased chance of the parent's trait rolling if its rarity rolls, however!

B-Class traits are set up to roll by rarity, not to roll as whether they will or won't appear. A B-NOMALY should not roll as earless (though armless and tailless are legitimate traits).

Anarchic pass rates are based on how many traits a B-NOMALY has rather than attaching a rarity to the trait. Mutants have a lower pass rate than your average A-Class, though as an A-Class B-NOM's amount of Anarchic traits increases, the more jumbled their genes get.

An A-Class with ten Anarchic traits has a slightly lower pass rate and an increased chance of having a random mutation show up. Fifteen Anarchic traits lowers the pass rate and heightens the random chance further, as does twenty Anarchic traits. Twenty-five Anarchic traits maximizes the dropped pass rate at approximately the same rate as a Mutant paired with a B-Class B-NOM, and has increased the random pass chance enough that if you're incredibly lucky, there's a chance that three random mutation might pass to the offspring.

When breeding between two different types of B-NOMALY, the B-NOMALY with more genes often passes its pass rate on in part or in full - an average A-Class under 10 traits grants its full pass rate to any Mutant or B-Class it breeds with. Sharing the trait being passed down in question also increases the pass rate greatly.

And finally, because it didn't come up until now: All B-NOMALIES have a chance of throwing a random Anarchic trait during beeding, not just high-trait A-Classes. Even B-Class B-noms have a tiny chance of throwing them.

!Breeding rates have been changed as of March 2019!
B-NOMS are unlikely to pass the genonuke monsters common in previous breeding events (and the rates were changed to avoid genonukes so complicated they couldn't be drawn). A-Class B-NOMS with 10, 15, 20, and 25 markings have a decreasing pass rate on their Anarchic traits (none go any lower than the pass rates for Mutants), and they have an increased chance to pass a completely random mutation. This change also introduced a minor rebalance in general that made the B-Class rarities matter a bit more and balanced out some general oddities.


Likely to be changed/added on to as time goes on. Inbreeding occurs if the same relative appears twice or more on the offspring's lineage! At this time, inbreeding mainly adds pass rate penalties to the offspring. If it becomes common, more penalties may be added.

One instance of doubled relative in offspring's lineage:

  • B-Class: Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 5%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 10 traits.
  • Mutants: Pass rate of Anarchic traits dropped 5%, Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 10%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 10 traits.
  • A-Class: Pass rate automatically dropped to that of an A-NOMALY with 15 traits, including the random mutation boost.
Two instances of doubled relatives in offspring's lineage:
  • B-Class: Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 10%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 15 traits.
  • Mutants: Pass rate of Anarchic traits dropped 10%, Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 10%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 15 traits.
  • A-Class: Pass rate automatically dropped to that of an A-NOMALY with 20 traits, including the random mutation boost.
Three+ instances of doubled relatives in offspring's lineage:
  • B-Class: Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 15%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 20 traits.
  • Mutants: Pass rate of Anarchic traits dropped 15%, Common and Uncommon B-Class traits are boosted 10%. Has the Random Mutation chance of an A-NOMALY with 20 traits.
  • A-Class: Pass rate automatically dropped to that of an A-NOMALY with 25 traits, including the random mutation boost.
NSK NET Chasmhome Hub


After you have your genotypes/eggs, you'll likely want to get some uploaded!

B-NOMALY genos are uploaded as MYO slots (often referred to as Eggs)! If a B-NOMALY breeding is a split, the eggs will be uploaded and distributed to their owners when the owners distribute the contents of the split amongst themselves! When you're ready to design your Eggs (or get a custom, in the case of Previews Eggs), follow the instructions in Seraph's!

Rixixi genos are uploaded as comments! As Rixixi are still uploaded on deviantArt, you can take your geno comment as proof to design approvals!