NSK NET Chasmhome Hub

B-NOMALY/Rixixi Crossbreeding

Information on submitting a breeding is at the Breeding page!

To breed a Rixixi and a B-NOMALY, you will need:

  • 1 Rixixi (Yours or a breeding slot)
  • Rixixi must have Story Mode Main Quest Chapter 1 completed. All starters have this permission.
  • 1 B-NOMALY (Yours or a breeding slot)
  • 1 B-NOMALY Breeding Ticket

You will obtain 1 Rixixi Geno and 1 B-NOMALY Hatchling.

RXX-Nomaly B-NOM Hatchlings come with these genes by default: All of these may be replaced if the parents' genes differ, except for Split Tongue and Finned - these are always inherited from Rixixi genetics.

  • Feline Ears (rare)
  • Completely RNG Beak
  • Little Pointy Teeth (ANARCHIE)
  • Split Tongue (ANARCHIE)
  • Cat's Paw (uncommon), Washer (rare), OR Bear (very rare) front limbs
  • Cat's Paw (uncommon), Washer (rare) OR Bear (very rare) back limbs
  • Cottontail (common), Feathered (uncommon), OR Long (very rare) tail
  • Finned (ANARCHIE)
To crossbreed Rixixi and B-NOMALY, use the following form at the Breeding Prompt:

[Giver/Sower] x [Receiver/Reaper]
Link to slot permission for Giver/Sower: [If you own the Rixixi/B-NOMALY, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Link to slot permission for Receiver/Reaper: [If you own the Rixixi/B-NOMALY, feel free to leave blank or mark it down as such!]
Breeding Ticket: [Let us know if it's Feeling Lucky or Turn On The Previews, and if this is a breeding between multiple people, who's supplying the ticket.]
Distribution: [Full to you, split litter, split with PotL to one user, etc]
Breedings posted this month: [Is this your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd post this month?]
Additional Information: [Notes to rollers such as 'please let me know which breeding/month this is, i forgot' and so on; tags to users who requested it; one or two silly blurbs like 'pls rng gods give me a dom rare' 'this one goes out to my cat, isnt she cute' - do note that admins cannot honor silly blurb requests, you're tossing your vibes at RNG itself there]

NSK NET Chasmhome Hub


Some Rixixi/B-NOMALY genes are not available to the other species. Some of these will be added in the future, while others have no plans to be added.

Anomalous Translations

Some genes translate oddly between Rixixi and B-NOMALY:

Currently Unavailable

These may be added to the species, if possible.
  • Throatpouch (Rixixi)
  • Fogholder (Rixixi)
  • Doppelganger (Rixixi)
  • Piñata Fur and Feathers (Rixixi) - This may be replaced by a similar "squared" fur texture
  • Owl Horn Ears (Rixixi)
  • Plume Puff Tail (Rixixi)
  • Gallus Tail (Rixixi)
  • Crown of Thorns (Rixixi)
  • Mismatched Limbs (Rixixi)
  • Spurs (Rixixi)
  • Scorpion Tail (Rixixi)
  • Window Belly (Rixixi)
  • Sunbeams (Rixixi)
  • Back Spines (Rixixi)
  • Aura Wings (Rixixi)
  • Vents (B-NOMALY) - Modified from Wide Vents
  • Rat Tail (B-NOMALY)
The following are less likely to appear, but haven't been counted out yet:
  • Internal Eyes (Rixixi) - No promises, not sure how to do this one
  • Liquid Filled (Rixixi) - If I can figure out how to do it
  • Giant (Rixixi) - Maybe
  • Bisected! (Rixixi) - MAYBE
  • Mind over Matter (Rixixi) - Nonpassable?
  • Feathered Lop & Feathered Perky (Rixixi) - Seems like it would work as mut station

Permanently Unavailable

These cannot be added to the species in official art, and cannot pass to that species in breeding. Please feel free to add them in lore or with items.
  • Sweet Matter (Rixixi) - Would not appear in import art, may appear as an item
  • Unsuffering (Rixixi) - Guardian skill?
  • Eyes in Matter (Rixixi) - May have to be an elemental thing
  • Always Anthro (Rixixi) - Redundant to bipedal subspecies, extremely difficult to add to import art of quadrupedal subspecies
  • Double Bird Maw/Double Rabbit Maw (Rixixi) - ???
  • Bun Legs (Rixixi) - Considered legal to create via Mutation Station
  • Hen's Teeth (Rixixi) - Use Mutation Station + Beak
  • Armless (Rixixi) - Use items to amputate limbs
  • Tailless (Rixixi) - Use items to amputate tail
  • Cottontail (Rixixi) - Use items to shorten tail
  • Stilts (Rixixi) - Use Mutation Station + Any Limb Type
  • Amphisbaena (Rixixi) - I just don't think I can fit this on a pre-existing import
  • Color Mutations not already added or listed above (B-NOMALY) - This is considered unrestricted/a marking for B-NOMALIES