NSK NET Rixixi Hub


Mechanical Rixixiform Artificial Intelligence Units, also known as Mechanix, are robotic creatures shaped like Rixixi. They primarily act as aides and companions, but as advanced artificial intelligences, can act as sapient beings and be left to their own devices. They have the ability to download themselves into most electronics, which allows them to follow their companions around in devices rather than on foot in their metal body. Other Mechanix can investigate and alter files in the devices for whatever reason they might choose.

Rixixi: Mechanix Import
Rixixi: Guard Mechanix Import Mechanix Companion Template
Mechanix Chip List

Major gameplay differences between Mechanix and Rixixi:

  • Mechanix are 100% immune to Radiation Sickness - they cannot have it, and they cannot be affected by it.

  • Mechanix do not have geno/phenos. They are 100% aesthetically customizeable. What they do have are different chips that grant them a starting set of abilities - some what you'd expect from giving a Rixixi an item or two, some (typically the result of 'breeding' for several generations) rather wild.

  • Mechanix are a hybrid Import-Companion species - they can be equipped to an Ixi. They can either be depicted in an activity piece and roll as usual, or their companion Ixi can go and do an activity (depicting the Mechanix is optional in this case, as they're traveling with the Ixi in a device), and the Mechanix will help bring back items by granting an extra roll! When rolled as a companion, a Mechanix will be rolled at base stats, plus whatever bonus their chip grants. Mechanix do have stats for when they are depicted in activities on their own!

  • With every Level Up, a Mechanix gains the ability to input another chip to gain more skills, but they can only choose one to be their Companion Skill.

  • Mechanix can be Scientists in Contraband Enforcement's Scientific Analysis without any other requirements!

  • While most items work the same between Mechanix and Rixixi, there are a few that are modified or just don't work for Mechanix - there's more detail on this in the Questions section below, search "Are there item restrictions?" to jump there.

Obtaining a Mechanix:

You will need the following:

1x Mechanix Base OR for a Guard Mechanix, Mechanix Base: Guard
Available via Crafting!

1x Mechanix Pelt
Availablle via Crafting!

1x Mechanix Chip
Available via Crafting, Breeding Mechanix, or Scientific Analysis! Of all these, Crafting has the most limited stock of chip types, and Breeding can get you almost anything, but may be a bit unpredictable.
Alternately: You can use 1x Holo Hacker Companion or Holo Helper Companion in place of a chip if you have one! This effectively 'uploads' the companion into the import. This is the only way to have a Holo Hacker/Helper chip in a Mechanix.

Submit these as Items Used in Design Approvals with your Mechanix import, and you'll have built your robot friend!

Guard Mechanix

Guard Mechanix are essentially a subspecies of Mechanix. Typically measuring 4-6 feet at the shoulder (1.2-1.8 meters), these hunchbacked mechanical beasts were designed for combat and defense. Their spikes absorb solar energy to keep them running as well as being sharp enough to fight with, and their hunchback is caused by a large shield making up their chest. Unlike a regular Mechanix, they do not require a chip when being constructed, as their base comes with a default chip of Guard Dog. However, this chip can be replaced on build.

Mechanix and Breeding:

Mechanix can only breed with other Mechanix - it's technically not 'breeding' so much as 'combining data'. Some Mechanix do see this as intimate - it's done by clasping paws together and hooking up ports that send and receive information, so not only do the pair have to trust each other, they have to be physically close. Once the combination of data is complete, the new Mechanix program can be output into chips. (2-4 can be made from each data combination.)

This can often result in different outcomes than what most crafters can make...

But also, very importantly, since 'breeding' with Mechanix results in a lineage-free chip, Mechanix cannot inbreed!

Some Possible Questions:

Do Mechanix eat food to get stats?

Yes, I didn't feel like disallowing this. I'll probably be introducing comically strange robot food much like we have Chasm food.

Do Mechanix have radiation? Elements?

This was originally going to be a no, but again... I didn't feel like disallowing this. V: Lore-wise, they're not using rads (usually) (they CAN). Gameplay-wise, they CAN, so why restrict it.

Are there item restrictions?

Mechanix can't use geno-editing items because like

what geno

Otherwise, most things work similarly. Mutation Stations can add modifications, Scarification Kits can gouge the pelt and metal body, Cosmetics aren't as necessary due to the nature of 100% customization but can be handy if you don't want to do a full redesign and just want to do a little stripe or two. Custom accessories and apparel and such is still A-OK.

As Mechanix don't have mutations, most of these can be added with Mutation Stations, including things like smoke effects (like incense) and halos (like... halos) - these do not have to be limited to auras behind the Mechanix done with a Wax Paper Background Canvas and if done with a Mutation Station can be attached to or in front of the Mechanix's body. Bioluminescence does not require an item.

The only things of note that have nothing to do with geno editing are:

  • Instead of Pigment Restyling Laser, redesigns are done by using another Mechanix Pelt.
  • Special Apparel might not be made for Mechanix? I'm not sure on this yet. Feel free to share opinions.
  • Tail Bags is replaced by the Storage Unit chip.

What is the Pelt made of and why is it creepy?

The mechanix pelt is most likely made of synthetic material. In the rare cases that it's made of real fur (very rare unless you have a crafter who's super dedicated to taxidermy), it's probably sourced from Sxriix'n wildcat or ursine, and treated to last as long as possible. There are magnetic pieces on the inside of the pelt that hold it in place on the base. It's a robot fursuit. A very short Domestic could probably wear it if they didn't mind the magnetic nubs poking them.

The "head" on the image was referenced from taxidermy which looks super weird popped onto a folded hoodie shape, it was 100% intentionally unsettling! Sorry! =D

Can I swap my uploaded Mechanix's build to another type?

Yes! Just use the intended build's base (The Mechanix Base for classic and Mechanix Base: Guard for guard for instance) as your editing item, and submit at redesigns as per usual! Your design should stay mostly the same unless you're using a pelt as well to update your design!