NSK NET Rixixi Hub

Manticores are humans.

They're just humans that took species as a suggestion.
Manticores are body mod enthusiasts with a fixation on Rixixi. Their body mods include ear, nose, and teeth reshaping, full-body hair growth*, dermal piercings to create spikes that are then hooked together with fins, false claw-shaped fingernails, and a prosthetic tail that is hooked into the spine and covered with a sleeve of false fur that matches their hair growth. They use gene mods to cause Rixixi markings to appear on their hair. Many Manticores - especially those in the Alchemy ring - wear a mask to hide that their faces don't have hair. Most, but not all, Manticores go through a foot-lengthening surgery to appear somewhat digitigrade - if they cannot handle this surgery, they do stand on their toes still. Most, but not all, Manticores undergo bottom surgery - while it is extremely difficult to alter a human's genital configuration to truly look like a Rixixi's, Manticores are typically content with changing their configuration to a mix of different sex characteristics.
*This does not cover most of the face or the palms of the hands and feet with the method they use, however, normal human facial hair will grow no matter the original sex of the Manticore. Sideburns are almost always seen on manticores no matter the gender presentation, and a small to medium-sized beard is common unless the Manticore is extremely feminine.
Manticores can breed freely with other Manticores, but have to use Science (the Manticore Vat item) to breed with a Rixixi. This requirement is waived for starters, they can breed freely with Rixixi. If a Manticore breeds with a Rixixi this way, their gene mods will read as normal Rixixi genes, and 2-5 Rixixi will be born. Their hair modification will pass as Lykoi. When breeding with other Manticores or with Rixixi, Manticore status will pass as if the human species was a Rixixi subspecies. That is to say, Manticore x Manticore always passes Manticores, and Manticore x Rixixi is 50% chance of Manticores.
Manticores' skin tone is locked to any skin color humans may have. This includes blaschko's lines, vitiligo, freckles, and birthmarks. This does leave out chow blue and the color of markings.
The color of frills, spines, and most mutations that follow skin rules (unless that mutation is on the face or is creating a pawpad, of course) can follow the original Rixixi skin tone rules, and therefore can use chow blue and the color of markings.
Manticores can have their hair, facial hair, and mask freely edited. Head hair and facial hair can be any color, but body hair must match their geno/pheno.
There are two free base edits for manticores:
One to increase the overall body size, because the base manticore is very skinny
One to give the manticore a more feminine shape. Some AFAB manticores may have top surgery, but not all.

Ketixi Manticores have almost identical rules to regular manticores. The following are changed:
- Ketixi Manticores use the base coats and markings of regular Ketixi, found here. Their build is considered Ketixi Manticore.
- Ketixi Manticores can still have their facial hair and mask freely edited, and their head hair and facial hair changed to any color. Head hair itself may be edited, trimmed or lengthened, retextured, and so on fairly heavily, but should match the feather type's general style. When in doubt, check the feather type of other ketucari or ketixi builds, found on the linked on the Ketucari Design Guides page, and use the general shape. As a tip - not a strict rule - Frizzle would likely look best as a 2C or higher curl, Nicobar would likely look best as textured hair, and Bald would just make sense as a short hair style.
- While there is no base for this, mainly to avoid remaking the base for feather types, breasts may be freely added without a Mutation Station. Ketixi Manticores may be AFAB without top surgery.
Because Manticores are human, they cannot have as many mutations as a Rixixi could have - it's just not safe.
The following mutations are safe for Manticores, and are unlimited:
- E. Porphyria +EryPor
- Albinism +Al
- Bicolor +Bi
- Chimerism +Chi
- Erythrism +Ery
- Fog +Fog
- Leucism +Leuc
- Maltese +Malt
- Melanism +Mel
- Neon +Neo
- Ultraviolet
- Drake Scales +DrakScl
- Drakespines +Drake
- Frill +Frll
- Horns +Hrn
- Tail Spike +Tspi
- Polydactyl +PDact
- Beak +Bek
- Fanged +Fan
- Mackerel +Mcr
- Rat Tail +Rat
- Translucent +Tluc
- Partial Translucent +ParTluc
- Bird Limbs +X-Bird
- Feathered Tail +X-FeaT
- Phoenix Trails +X-PhoeT
- Whip Tail +X-WhipT
- Stylist Ears +X-Style
- Triple Snooter +X-Snoot
- Pouch +X-Pou
- Tongue Teeth +X-TnTth
- Perky Ears +X-PerkE
- Lop Ears +X-LopE
- Bushy Tail +X-BushT
- Gallus Face +X-GallF
- Wing Arms +X-WingA
- Split Ears +X-SplitE
- Rows +X-Row
- Flat Teeth +X-Flat
- Sharps +X-Sharp
- Mandible Fangs +X-Man
- Multi Tail +X-MulT (must split at middle of the tail and not at the body, the body would not be able to handle 2 spine prosthetics)
- Hooves +X-Hoo
- Gecko Tail +X-Gecko
- Blue Glow +BlueG
- Green Glow +GreenG
- Red Glow +RedG
- Violet Glow +VioG
- Yellow Glow +YelG
- Prismpitch +Prism (cannot cause oozing texture)
- Runemeld +Rune
- Ghost +Ghost
- Leyline +Leyline
The following mutations are safe for Manticores, but cannot be replicated fully. They will be aesthetic-only replicas:
- Wide Vents +Wvent
- Gills +Gil (assume this is only the external gill structure. bioluminescence allowed without a bioluminescent gene when on manticores.
- Hypno Eyes +X-Hyp (eye tattoos)
- 4 Eyes +X-EyeF
- Many Eyes +X-EyeM
- Misplaced Eyes +X-EyePl
- Halos +X-Halo
- Insect Wings +X-InWing
- Snared +Snare
The following mutations are not completely safe for Manticores. They may get them anyways, but this may cause complications:
"Complications" are represented by Level 1 Uncertain, Unsteady, or Defiant Radiation Sickness, randomly rolled upon obtaining the mutation.
- Fringehead +Fri (bacteria)
- Incense +X-Inc (can EITHER be placed on a limb/tail that is considered a prosthetic, OR is considered to cause complications due to heat.)
- Triple Maw +X-Trip (bacteria)
- Anodized Forgeblood +Andz (hazardous procedure)
- Forgeblood +Forge (hazardous procedure)
The following mutations are not completely safe for Manticores. They are taxing on the body's veins and various systems. They can have TWO MAXIMUM out of this category, unless stated otherwise by one of the mutations in this category.
- Shell +Shll
- Vestigial Wings +Vwing
- Fogshard +Fshr (Only when greater than 30% coverage. Under 30% coverage is not considered overtaxing and does not count against this limit.
- Deepsea +DpSea (gills not functional as real gills, but can be bioluminescent without a bioluminescent gene)
- Ray +Ray (counts as 2 genes out of 2 for this category)
- Sleipnir +X-Slei (if not jointed at an elbow or shoulder, should appear vestigial)
- Prehensile Tail +X-PrehT (if 1.5x longer or more than default tail, counts for 2 genes out of 2 in this category)
- Tendrils +X-Ten (if 30% or more, counts as 2 genes out of 2 for this category)
- Archangel +X-Arch (2 pairs of wings max, vestigial wings size. counts for 2 genes out of 2 in this category)
- Chrysopoeia +Chryso (Only when greater than 30% coverage. Under 30% coverage is not considered overtaxing and does not count against this limit.
The following mutations are simply not safe for Manticores to replicate. They cannot have them.
- Whorl +Whr (unsafe)
- Long Fur +Lfur (due to Lykoi)
- Sphynx +Sphy (due to Lykoi)
- Wings +Wing (full wings too taxing)
- Feathered Wings +FtWing (full wings too taxing)
- Centaur +Taur (way too taxing)
- Shield Wings +ShlWing (too complex)
- Cerberus +X-Cerb (unsafe)
- Problems +X-Prob (exposed organs)
- Dullahan +X-Dulla (exposed head)
- Mumbling +Mymb (too complex)
- Dragon Body Type +X-DrBdy (too many lengthening surgeries)
- Misplaced Maws +MawPl (UNLESS tail only)