NSK NET Rixixi Hub


Exploring is an activity in which your Rixixi goes out to search one of the canon worlds, and always results in returning at least one item. The Ixi can be portrayed doing anything, provided the background can be interpreted as the chosen canon world. Some ideas include scavenging, sightseeing, interacting with other characters, doing odd jobs, and so on.

In the case of crossovers with other ARPGs/closed species with their own canon worlds (or just AUs in general) Rixixi can still be rolled for explorations even if they canonically take place in another world with a similar environment - as long as they match the listed environment for a canon world, it's fine! Just list the closest world when submitting your exploration. Make sure the other species/ARPG/group is okay with crossovers first!

Image Requirements:

Exploring images should meet the following requirements:

  • Full body (60% or more of the Ixi showing)
  • Color OR Greyscale, should clearly show the Ixi's markings either way.
  • Background - doesn't have to be extremely complex, but items and features of the background should be defined and clear. See Art Requirements Info for more details!

Exploring literature should meet the following requirements:

  • 600+ words at least!

  • All Ixi being rolled should play a major role in the story - Rixixi showing up in passing cannot be rolled.

  • There should be some description of the location they are in, but it does not have to be the main focus of the story. Describing it in passing a bit is fine.

For both types:

  • Up to four Rixixi can be rolled per image - other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but cannot be rolled to return items!

  • Make sure the chosen world is portrayed correctly! Requirements for how each world should be portrayed are listed on the Canon Worlds page! The requirements are fairly open-ended, it's more important to make sure to avoid things that can't be found in that world than to match something specific than can.

  • Please only post 2 Exploring entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!
Once you've got all that present and your piece is done, fill out the following form and submit to this prompt:

Exploring piece: [Link to the piece here, or put it in the submission URL!]
Rixixi: [Link to the Ixi's import]
World Exploring: [Sxriix, Nskanetis, Earth, The Chasm, The Leyline, or The Couloir]
Bonuses: [Items, Skills, Companions, NPCs, etc]

OPTIONAL: Companion and NPC Bonuses: [List any items, skills, etc being applied to companions or NPCs accompanying your Ixi. Most items will state if they can be applied to anything other than the main Rixixi.]
One Ixi per submission, please! If multiple Ixi are pictured in the same piece, please separate them out to multiple submissions!
If using any items or currency in your Bonuses, please submit them in the Add-Ons section!

Item Drops:

While many items can be found anywhere, some are rarer in one world than another, and some are found only in specific worlds. Check the canon worlds page for a listing of where specific items can be found.