NSK NET Rixixi Hub | Nskanetian Pantheon Hub

You don't know how you got here - some sort of intense desire drew your mind into this space between realities. If you stopped thinking about it, you could leave, but that would be like trying not to confront the reality of something right in front of you.

It's dark - moreso than just a dark room or the middle of the night. This is a shroud. A smooth floor echoes beneath your feet, and the vague shape of a tall, protruding pedestal or podium can barely be made out in the middle of the area. A figure in a cloak stands within the shadows of the pedestal, turning.

Before you can see their face, they become what you wanted as you appeared in this space.

"Interesting choice."

This is the shrine of Lucida, Guardian of Wishes and Desires.

Use this prompt to make a wish.
Lucida requires a Sacrifice in trade, or she will ignore you.
You can only make a sacrifice to one Nskanetian Guardian per month. (Resets first of the month)

Lucida allows almost any wishes, but is highly likely to distort the results. You can only make one wish per sacrifice. Check here for the full rules and details on how she might alter a wish.