NSK NET Rixixi Hub


Mymber Houses are, as they sound, houses made by Mymbers! They provide potential shelter for your Rixixi, but more than that, as they may be staffed by Mymbers, they are stocked with provisions! Mymbers like to keep busy, and so any kitchens are often stocked with local foods, any pets left in the home will be taken care of, and so on.

Mymber Houses are made of objects given to the Mymbers when construction is going on! (This is a feature coming in the future! Currently all Mymber Houses are obtained in events!)

Currently Available Mymber Houses:

IHFY House

Obtained Via: Karma Shop
Biome: Sxriix
Built-In Add-Ons: Garden, Kitchen, Stable


Obtained Via: Karma Shop
Biome: Leyline
Built-In Add-Ons: Garden, Kitchen, Stable

NSK NET Rixixi Hub


To use an Add-On, go to this prompt and submit this form:
Link to Mymber House: [Chasmho.me link here]
Add-On Using: [Kitchen, Stable, Garden, etc]
Extra Info: [eg. Pet using if Stable; Item planting if Garden, etc.]

If your add-on can only be used once a week, but you have multiple Mymber Houses, you can only submit one house per week.

Allows any plant item to be planted. Will be multiplied by 2-5 in a week. Also allows dead genos to be planted; will grow 1-5 Death-Charged Fogshards in a week - harvesting the dead requires linking a Streetwise Rixixi and deletes the geno from the game.

Allows the owner to pull a random cooked item from the kitchen once a week. Available food depends on biome.

Allows companions to be stored in the Mymber House, and for their abilities to be used via the Mymber House.