NSK NET Rixixi Hub

Main Quest

Chapter 2

Elemental Diplomacy
Requirements: Rising power level
Rewards: 350 EXP, Unlocks level up to Active, Unlocks Radiation and "RadQuest" and "Rad Rebels" Story Mode Questlines

All you can see is snow, in any direction. Even looking to the sky, the cloud-white expanse is dotted heavily with falling snow. The weather isn't treacherous, but it's snowing heavily enough that it's clear that it isn't going to stop for some time.

Around you trudges a small, makeshift scattering of Rixixi - Kashe, Loyal, and Zhaya make up the leaders, each of them leading major faction rings around Sxriix. Following them is a scattering of rising Rixixi, and if what they let you know about the mission applies to all of them, you're all here to offer an outside opinion on some sort of diplomatic decision the others must make.

Finally, you spot something other than an infinite frozen mountaintop. The silhouettes of a few Ixi begin to show in the distance, and as you close in, their features clear up further.
There's Sezzeqh, of course, but they live here. Of all the figures ahead, they're the most comfortable, but that too is a given.
Torte stands near Sezzeqh, clearly not very comfortable in the cold, trying to avoid openly looking frustrated at how frost is beginning to build up in their mane.
You're pretty sure the figure standing a bit away from them is Fang, but it's hard to tell with how they've bundled themself up. Fang's mutations make their level of natural radiation too intense to stand around close to the average Ixi, but they're courteous enough to take steps to keep themselves and others from inadvertently causing radiation sickness in unsuspecting passersby.
And the final shape among them appears to be the master chef, Junia. It seems a bit out of place to ask a chef to be a diplomat for a day, but Junia is a well-intentioned Ixi, it's not a problem.

"Ah, there you are," Sezzeqh twitches their ears as they speak, but they don't turn to address your team. "I'd know that smell anywhere. Kashe, it's lovely to have you. I'm less familiar with your companions, is that... Zhaya? Her smell is harder to place. I'm not sure on the others, my dear. I apologize."

"Hey, Old Cat Winter!" Loyal chirps, and Sezzeqh chuckles amicably, turning as they recognize the young leader's voice. "We brought civilians to weigh in, like you asked."

"Lovely. We've a fairly simple choice today, but it's always good to have the citizens' choices all the same." Sezzeqh grins, turning between the Ixi in the crowd for a bit, their blind eyes glimmering. "As you can likely tell... we have a winter storm on our hands, and from what I can feel in the ice, an avalanche is coming. We've assembled elemental leaders to head this choice due to how many of our powers work with nature and the world around us, but if we solely considered how this would affect those of us who've obtained a powerful element, then the civilians without similar abilities might be left unconsidered. As such, Junia has joined us-"

"Hey," Snorts the chef, gruff but kindly. "There aren't a lotta Null elementals in power yet, 'n there are few of us to begin with. The others were busy, even. So you've got me 'stead of a ringleader. Been told I'm good at teachin' young'ns, so hopefully I can represent 'em well, too."

"We bring civvies along who haven't picked an element yet along for the same reason," Loyal claps a paw on one of the Ixi. "You guys know what everyday life is like. We're kinda busy with our own lives, so sometimes we forget what it's like to be a civilian, ya know?"

"If I may," Sezzeqh continues. "My companions seem to be uncomfortable in the cold, so perhaps we should go through our problems and proposed solutions sooner rather than later."

"An avalanche will soon occur, after a winter storm. We have the time to alert the nearby residents and start an evacuation, but if we combine our abilities, we may be able to alter the path of the avalanche. Now; let's begin."


Pick 1 out of the following 7 and illustrate or write about it. Illustrations should be fully colored with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words. The NPC you respond to will follow up with a question, to which a second piece must be made in response to. (Fullbody, color, and background OR 600+ words) Upon completion of the second piece, this chapter will be complete!

If you can't come up with a response to the prompt you're provided, you may ask for a new one - also, do know that you don't have to base your entire response around it so long as you address the prompt somehow. We'll probably appreciate creative interpretations!

"Why don't we just stop the problem before it happens?" Kashe holds a paw up contemplatively. "If we combine our efforts, we could smack this mountain around until it can't drop an avalanche in the first place. There's a ton of ways we could do that, even, with any kind of magic."

"While it would be handy to combine our efforts, I believe it may be best to plan in case we can't for some reason," Sezzeqh suggests. "For instance, alone, I can shift the ice and snow of the mountain enough to redirect the path of the avalanche. We could then alert the specific area of the need to evacuate, and even choose to redirect to a location with the lowest amount of civilians."

"I'm afraid I don't have any ideas on elemental uses," Torte shivers despite themself. "I volunteer to assist in transporting those evacuating. Whether it be marking a route or even finding a scattering of vehicle-owners if we need to move fast."

"Hey guys, I'm basically a meteorologist," Loyal crosses their arms and grins widely. "I can get my eyes on the sky while you decide, watch the clouds and give you the heads-up before you're outta time. Could teach the newbies some of the skills too, if they wanna come along."

"If we can't stop it from happening, I might like to aid Sezzeqh in redirection," Zhaya nods politely as she speaks. "With a bit of exploration and research, I can determine which potential point of impact would be least damaged by an avalanche."

"My ring would be most useful post-evacuation," Fang's voice crackles through their facemask. "Cleanup duty. We're hardworking, good folks, just... not so good in crowds, you see? If the civilians want to join in, we have spare safety gear for them so that they don't become ill, but if it's all the same to you, we're likely to go without gear ourselves. It's bulky, we can work faster without it. The radiation disperses fast, so the village or town we clean won't be affected."

"I don't have anything to contribute on the elemental front," Junia muses. "But whatever the rest of ya pick, I think we should put some extra hands into the evacuation. Maybe the 'ring you've scared up here can come along with me to evacuate the settlements at the bottom of the mountain."

Submit your piece at this prompt with the following form to embark on this story mode!
Link to participating Rixixi: [link to import here!]
Entry: [link to piece]
Prompt responding to: [put the name of the NPC starter who gave the prompt you followed here!]

Multiple Rixixi may partake in Story Mode in the same image, with the following restrictions:

  • 4 Ixi at maximum per image (other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but cannot be submitted for the story mode chapter in that piece.)
  • All Ixi pictured must be partaking in the same chapter. Different prompts can be used for the different Ixi, however.
  • You can use multiple prompts for your response in this chapter!
  • Please submit separate prompts for each Ixi!