Let it be known that our world is an ungoverned one, and we accept no ruler - not I, nor those on the mountain. Hear me, then, as a voice backed by the scorned vengeance of my peers. All will be welcome in the city of Raktis, especially those seeking refuge from the mountain across the ocean. O'urtnx, human, and all species of Nskanetis may be safe here. We founders of this town may be O'urtnx ourselves, but we will not harm you.
That said, if any invading forces from the mountain seek to infiltrate our community, your demise will be swift. You will find it is only O'urtnx repelled by the silver beasts, and other species can and will direct you to their jaws. You may assume you have power anywhere, but you do not have numbers here.
Travelers, please direct refugees to Raktis. We have empty homes. Refugees, be safe.