57: Delete

Entry directly added by the Phoenix.

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"I can't contact you if you tear out all your electronics, you know."

Would that really be so terrible, Phoenix chides, turning to the voice.

It makes enough sense, he admits to himself. The demon of lightning would have an affinity with the electricity in the room, and without records backed up from Nskanetis's network and other holoscreens, Phoenix's world was nothing but tablets and tomes. The white bird drops the holo he had previously gripped tightly in his talons and turns to the beast.

I don't have time for your games. A mortal has broken into my records.

"The mortal in question is in Kortha," Yssc muses. "Your targets are in Vyldes. Do you not see a problem in your planning here?"

My targets are doing absolutely nothing, while Kortha is a veritable minefield to claim.

"Sure is, chief. That mortal you've got beef with is in a library. That's your domain. I don't get what the problem is here."

A hiss of indignation escapes the bird. I'm giving you the job of redirecting the hosts to Kortha - however you wish.

Yssc smiles, and the Phoenix turns away with a grimace. "I do love meddling."

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