26: Our Heroes

Entry directly added by Thoriane.

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She wakes up to an Ourtnx on her couch.

Morntyiz sits up with a start, unsure when she fell asleep (apparently in her living room), tail flicking across the armrest of her old, beat-up chair. A concerned look passes her eyes and flicks her ears back - her girlfriend's face is grim. Enirah sits silently on the old couch, waiting for the Arakanth to fully wake up before speaking.

"Did I leave my door unlocked?" Morntyiz asks, her instincts reminding her that she does live in downtown Lumina.

"No," Enirah nods her head in apology. Must have teleported in, then. "It's an emergency."

Morntyiz sits up straight, trying to read Enirah's face. "What happened?"

"Evacuation order, coupled with an order to pick up people to evacuate in Lumina," Enirah's voice picks up speed, and her face darts around as if sensing something. "I knew I had to come get you, but I don't know how many people here we can warn. Tya, you live with Dae, right?"

"Y-yeah, but what-"

"Isn't it really quiet in here?"

The Ourtnx and Arakanth jump to their feet and run outside to a silent street. Any traces of where Daer'on had gone disappeared with him in the middle of the night.

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