Content Warning: Harsh violence against a child, lacerations (visual)
I would leave if I could. I have no fear of saying so, she knows it to be true.
What a world Lumina is - and a world it is, strange to the blood-sown lands of Rayauk and the violet hues of Auli'kuris. Fancies itself a human, humane city - maybe sometimes it's so. I recall the Lumina of the night, the Kaurphyt my ex broke out of a pit. I recall the Arakantis downtown of Lumina, the friend I stayed with, I hope she made it to Raktis. Then, though, then there's the human suburbs, the cheery houses with blank-faced people who don't even blink twice at a stranger as he walks through their unlocked house to find their child playing in the back yard.
Unfortunately, that's a damn sign you have the right house in Lumina. They'd at least fight you in Rayauk or one of the Auliks. Here, ugh.
Here we got a tip that some absolute fucking shitstains procreated specifically to sacrifice their child to T'akrin.
As the highest-ranking in Rayauk... previously, I was to procure the. No. I need to call this what it was. She was barely more than ten and had no idea what was coming. Some stranger shows up and melts into knives, what would you...? She didn't even scream until the blade was already in.
Under the eye. Hardest one to get right first. Incredibly easy to blind someone like this.
Left arm. Her shoulders begin to bleed as her bones melt into knives. There is no understanding this.
Right arm. Mother is watching.
I pull the child inside and kneel before her parents like a gargoyle until they call a doctor. I've done my duty, and you have your host, T'akrin, let me make my own choice for once.