B-CLASS Traits

B-CLASS traits are found in all B-NOMALIES. (mostly) (It may be possible for a B-NOMALY to be made up of entirely Anarchic traits, but this would be kind of a mess.) They explain what the body of the B-NOMALY looks like at its most basic, without any mutations. Common and uncommon traits are typically rabbit/bird related. Rare and very rare are typically found in other animals, or when rabbit/bird related, harder to deal with under things like the laws of physics or evolution.

Ear Traits

Defining the shape, size, and texture of the ears.

Face Traits

Face traits primarily refer to the beak of the B-NOMALY, but also sometimes refer to the shape of the muzzle. Face modifiers like Gallus can also modify other traits of the face.

Front Limb Traits

These define the shape, size, or lack of front limbs.

Back Limb Traits

These define the shape, size, or lack of back limbs.

Tail Traits

Tail traits define the shape and size of the tail.

Wing Traits

The only B-Class wing trait is Feathered Wings, and it's free to add to any MYO or Egg B-NOMALY.

Body Modifier Traits

These modify things about the body of the B-NOMALY itself, such as the texture of the fur.

Anarchic Traits

All Anarchic traits are the same rarity: Anomalous.

Eye traits

Eye traits affect the amount of eyes a B-NOMALY has, and sometimes how the eyes look.

Tooth traits

Tooth traits affect what kind of teeth a B-NOMALY has! By default, without these traits, a B-NOMALY's teeth are only found in the rabbit mouth, and typically resemble a rabbit's.

Other Head & Face traits

Traits affecting the head and face of the B-NOMALY other than eye and tooth traits!

Limb traits

Limb traits affect the number, shape, and type of a B-NOMALY's limbs.

Tail traits

Tail traits primarily encompass tail types and modifiers that cannot be found in B-CLASS tail traits.

Body traits

Traits that affect the makeup, shape, and parts of a B-NOMALY's torso region.

Body Type Traits

Body Type traits - not to be confused with Body traits - primarily affect the shape and size of the entire B-NOMALY.

Wing traits

Traits that add or alter wings on the B-NOMALY.

Miscellaneous traits

Traits that affect just about anything or everything about a B-NOMALY.

Anarchic Modifiers

Traits that modify other traits!