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I'm Here For You Hub

INTERLUDE: An Interrupted Solstice

Chipper trudged through the snow, rubbing his claws together. The B-NOMALY was late to the Winter Festival due to all the commotion, and he weren't entirely sure where Alex was, either - hopefully not missing him too much. Unfortunately, he'd gotten turned around on what he thought was a shortcut, and now he was in the middle of the woods in the snow instead of in a cozy spaceship.

Chipper stumbled over an unseen root, landing on his face between two twisting trees. With an ugh, he pulled himself to his feet, feeling a hand help him up. As he shook himself off, he suddenly came face to face with a dark specter - translucent, but still dark-furred and a shadow in the snowy night, with a skeletal face.

"No," The B-NOMALY murmured, backing away slowly. "I've - I've got somewhere to be, c'mon, no."

To his surprise, the ghost backed away, arms raised in surrender. "Fear not, please, I mean you no harm. I've gotten myself lost, I'm afraid."

Chipper sighed. "Dealt too much with the lost, didn't expect this to run over into solstice, too. We're supposed to be celebrating surviving."

Despite their lack of face, the ghost's expression changed - raising up taller and cocking their head to the side. They almost seemed excited.

"Tell me more, please."

Prompts: Leyline-Connected: Chipper and the Harbinger (Multispecies Prompt)