NSK NET Rixixi Hub




Contraband Enforcement &
Hazmat Specialists

Contraband Enforcement has a jurisdiction over most of Sxriix, and does exactly what its name implies - keeps contraband out of the hands of civilians. This in itself has caused a profitable black market to open due to Rixixi who disagree with the restriction. It is possible to legally use contraband if one has the needed credentials, but that typically involves a science and possibly medical background - not everyone has that.

The restriction on most contraband is typically set due to an inherent danger in the item, some more than others. Some contraband is restricted more heavily than others, but due to this danger, the Contraband Enforcement team often works with Hazmat Specialists. While the Hazmat Specialists of the Galaxy Faction typically work with hazardous environments more than items, they both have the equipment needed to work fruitfully together.

The highest-ranking Contraband Enforcement workers are Ambassadors, and this status marks them as available to help other jurisdictions and other cities away from their own with figuring out any requested problems - contraband or otherwise. Ambassadors go through additional training with the Factions to ensure they're ready for community work.

Barter System

Most of Sxriix operates on a barter system, and the few places that use currency utilize modified collectible items rather than traditional currency. Crafters often ask for their materials and sometimes a bit extra if it's time-consuming work.


Canopy Faction &

Most of the wilds and badlands of Sxriix are unpoliced, but not unwatched. Rangers have the authority to stop destruction of landmarks and irreplaceable decimation of resources, or organize rebuilding for smaller-scale resource removal. The Canopy Faction acts to protect and regrow the environment as well as search for lost explorers, often calling on rangers to help them with this.


Closed Society - Near-Anarchy

Outsiders are slowly accepted into the Steps - socially and when moving to the caves. Despite this, the Nether Steps has few rules - the most important of which is that attacking another Steps denizen gets you exiled. Criminals often wind up hiding out in the Nether Steps, due to the lack of laws. The difference in jurisdiction between the Steps and most Sxriix cities means that even an Ambassador cannot enter the Steps to find them in any situation but a multi-jurisdictional emergency.

The entrances to the caves are guarded by locals that rank anywhere between bouncer to mercenary. While they can get away with fighting more than other Steps denizens, if a guard merc is caught killing another Steps denizen, their rank will not save them.

Currency - Gemstones

The Nether Steps uses gemstones as a currency - and its main export to the rest of Sxriix, as it's situated on several valuable mines. Steps denizens trade various gems with each others and the few outsiders that come in.


Closed Society - Led by Primal Chief

Once much more strict in its rules, the Primal camps are still traditionally closed communities. The Chief of a Primal camp decides how the camp runs, from policies on outsiders entering, trusted trade partners, guards for the camp, and - in some especially closed camps - the safest times to travel outside of the camp. Some camps, such as Ruun's, are completely open, albeit located in a remote mountain range. Some, such as The Leviathan's, are almost entirely closed off, but through trading and occasional appearances to the public, allow a limited amount of applications.

Citizens in the Primal camps can notify a Chief that the current system isn't working, and a meeting can be convened to see if the law in question should be altered. This was not in place before War's attack on the Underworld camp. Like the Nether Steps, the Primal Camps are considered a separate jurisdiction from the rest of Sxriix. Contraband Enforcement cannot interfere, and while Ambassadors can help, this is generally only allowed in emergencies.

Barter System

Primals barter with the outside world for what they can't make themselves. A lot of exports from Primal camps are pelts and other pieces obtained while hunting, as well as gemstones and rare minerals due to Primals commonly living in caves.




Almost all of Nskanetis operates as an anarchy. Communities look out for their own and protect each other. While some locations have their own rules and individual setups, most still fall into this category of community-run anarchies. In more dangerous areas of Nskanetis, mercenaries and bodyguards as protection are not uncommon.

Currency - Tokens; Essentials Free

Tokens - electronic readers to calculate and store one's currency - are used to pay for nonessentials. Most groceries and essential household items do not cost anything, whereas tokens are used for things like entertainment, food at restaurants, tips, and occasionally gambling (though bread products are used for gambling most often).


Monarchy, In Name Alone

The Mjilikae of Aerthis have operated under a monarchy for as long as they have lived in Aerthis. Since the Phoenix Event, however, the king (a title held regardless of gender) of Mjilikae has been little more than a figurehead and a messenger. Important decisions are sorted out in community meetings, and the king delivers the final decision.