NSK NET Rixixi Hub

Karma is currently: INACTIVE

| Karma Shop | Karma Milestones & Other Karma Redeems | Story Mode (Karma Story Hubs are under Special Edition) | Track your Karma here! |

Karma is a temporary stat earned during story-heavy events. It's best explained as your reputation during that specific event - actions that can be seen as beneficial, moral, and/or lawful to a faction would be Positive Karma, while actions that would be hindering, immoral, and/or chaotic to a faction would be Negative Karma.

Karma can be obtained via certain activities (listed in the next tab - some may be undiscovered) while a Karma Event is active. Some activities can only be done once per Rixixi and can be therefore claimed retroactively if you've already done it - this will also be listed in the next tab.

Both Positive and Negative karma for a Rixixi max out at 100, and gaining Positive karma doesn't decrease your Negative karma (and vice-versa.) For instance, you could consider having 50 Positive and 50 Negative karma "neutral" karma (though a somewhat unpredictable neutral).

A Rixixi's Karma resets after every Karma Event - you can claim retroactive karma again for each one, and max out your karma each one. This is because it's used in the Karma Shop for prizes! You can redeem Karma Milestones throughout the event as you reach certain amounts without using up any Karma at all, but at the end of the event, new items will be revealed in the Karma Shop that you can use your User Currency on - typically Karma Shop-exclusive or just rare ones.

You can, however, see a record of your Rixixi's previous Karma from previous events - while your Ixi's karma effectively 'resets' back to zero at the end of a Karma event, their records will have frozen at their final point.

A user's Karma is earned when any of their Rixixi earns Karma and does not max out at 100. It also does not reset post-event, and can be turned in at any time for prizes - event shops don't close. You can choose to turn in all of your pooled Karma at once, save some for the next event, or turn it in whenever you like, it's up to you.

NSK NET Rixixi Hub

All methods of earning Karma:

  • The Event's Story Itself: During the Karma Event, plot-related Story Mode chapters will grant Karma (in later chapters, often far more Karma than anything on this list) to help you get to the next step after you enter the first part.

  • Art and Item Barters that show up throughout the Event. Jim and Jinn the Mymbers will trade rumors for items, and Cat and Mjilikae will include a Karma version. There may be others!

  • Leveling Up: +1 Positive Karma

  • Three-Faced: +5 Positive Karma (Lawful Only)/+5 Negative Karma (Chaotic Only)

  • Pumpkin Spice Apple Cider/Fallen Leaftail Gecko +5 Positive/Negative Karma (choose) when used on a roll. Can be used on Chasmjumping, only works if rolled a Teleportation or Danger.

  • Accented: +2 Positive Karma (Lawful Only)/+2 Negative Karma (Chaotic Only)

  • All Art/Item/Faction Barters: +1 Positive Karma (Once per day per Rixixi. Please link the Rixixi you want the Karma added to!)

  • Trading with the Contraband Enforcement Station: +1 Positive Karma (Once per day per Rixixi. Please link the Rixixi you want the Karma added to!)

  • Trading with the Black Market: +1 Negative Karma (Once per day per Rixixi. Please link the Rixixi you want the Karma added to!)

  • Equip/use any item with the category Contraband: +2 Negative Karma
    (note that some Witchin' Kitchen recipes that use Contraband are not marked as contraband, such as Silvermint Brownie. This does not grant Karma. Items marked as contraband grant the Karma when used - Silvervine Pipe grants Karma.)

  • Interact with Chii with a Fridge Parasite equipped: +5 Negative Karma. This can only be done once per Rixixi each Karma Event!
    Some ways to do this include: Doing an Accented prompt, including Chii in a piece for her NPC bonus.

  • Normal Blood Sacrifice at the Phoenix Shrine: +5 Negative Karma for the Rixixi sacrificing blood.

  • Blood Sacrifice resulting in death at the Phoenix Shrine: +50 Negative Karma for the Rixixi performing the sacrifice.

Karma that can be claimed retroactively:

Use this prompt to redeem Karma retroactively.

  • Leveling Up: +1 Positive Karma - A Rixixi can only level up 5 times. You can claim all 5 retroactively if you need to.

  • Three-Faced: +5 Positive Karma (Lawful Only)/+5 Negative Karma (Chaotic Only) - Unlike Accented, this can only be taken once, hence its higher point value.